A quick post about our move last month which got lost in the draft folder.
The move was an absolute nightmare, the three of us were ill and my plans to clear the flat in one weekend didn't bear fruit. So there is still a massive amount to move next weekend as well as a big clean up of the flat. The sofas wouldn't fit, the landlord is away on a family emergency, we had to saw through a padlock on the side gate and even with babygates up I'm in constant fear of C falling down the stairs. For the next two weeks it's a three hour trip to take C to his old nursery before going onto work and coming home with him in a jampacked commuter train is no fun.
However the little joys of moving out to the suburbs are a balm to my exhausted body and frazzled brain.
The garden is a major plus point. Mum bought us some plants and C a little red watering can. Mum-in-law bought me a pink watering can and a broom. C and I spend our evenings watering the plants and admiring the one strawberry which in just two days is turning from white to pink.
Chatting to neighbours is lovely, there's a friendly older couple nextdoor who have a grandson C's age in Singapore and the lady nextdoor but one welcomed me to the 'garden club', all three gardens have low walls so it's rude not to chat and all three of us have names beginning with M.
Walking to the station is pleasant, I love being nosy and looking at everyone's well tended gardens and the few people we see early in the morning will often say hello.
So we're pleased to be in but exhausted.