What a difference a month makes! Since our last post (41 weeks - oops) Eve has changed to much!
At 46 weeks Eve:
- Has had a complete turnaround with some of the allergies. I'm assuming egg and dairy are still there as she reacts differently to them, but it seems like she's matured enough to no longer react to all the multiple touch allergies. We had a cucumber food challenge at St Thomas' on Tuesday 23rd June and she passed. I couldn't believe it, not red face at all. She also had skin pricks for peanut, hazelnut, almond and sesame, she was negative for almond and sesame and only a level 1 reaction to peanut and hazelnut (level 3 is seen as a serious allergy), so from that day we added cucumber, sesame and almond into her (and my) diet and we're going back next month for a supervised feed with peanut and hazelnut. In the past 2 weeks we have also added in humus, sesame breadsticks/corn thins, apple puree, tomato, pasta and canned peach and pear.
- Is getting used to our new routine now that I'm back at work. She goes to nursery twice a week and doesn't really like it yet, she cries when we drop her off and is very quiet when we pick her up. She is much better on the two days she spends with Nana and Grandad and I only work 4 days so we still get one weekday together. Charlie is coping very well with his two days at breakfast and after school club, the ladies who run the clubs are lovely and he see's his friend little Miss S there and sometimes his girlfriend little Miss E.
- Is going to have a change of routine again in a month's time. The child minder who I wanted to get both kids a place with has had the spaces come up. Eve will start with her for two days a week in August and Charlie will start in September after the summer holidays. I'll swap my day off, so we fit with the child minder's schedule. As well as having both kids in the same place for drop off and pick up, we will also be saving a little on costs each day and she lives just one road away from our house. She is also absolutely lovely, I used to see her every day on the school run, she has a son in the year above Charlie and a 2 year old daughter as well.
- Is beginning to cruise, she can easily pull herself up (and sit back down) on things now and is practising taking steps along the sofa or with the baby walker.
- Is very smiley, chatty and screechy, she loves babbling and a lot of these babbles are beginning to sound like words - hello is her latest one.
- Is no longer allergic to grass and loves the garden. We're in the middle of a mini heatwave at the moment and she loves crawling between the water table, paddling pool and play house. She also tries to climb up on the concrete and eat small stones, so has to be watched every second she's in the garden.