Tuesday, 24 March 2015

32 weeks

At seven and a half months Eve:

- Continues developing her social skills, she loves interacting with people and will screech loudly if she feels left out.

- Loves bath time with Charlie. Because of her eczema she only has a bath every other day and she hates seeing C have a bath without her. They play with the rubber ducks together and today Eve learnt to splash the water with her hands.

- Had lots of fun at Uncle Alan and Aunty Pam's joint birthday party this week. She got lots of attention from everyone and got to play with her big cousin I.

- We've still not got to the bottom of her allergies. As well as most fruit & veg and dairy, we've added egg, rice and peanut to the list. There's also a gluten or wheat intolerance in the mix. Currently we are both living on a diet of potato, broccoli, sweet potato, fish (tuna, salmon & mackerel), sweet corn and coconut. We'll keep on trying fairly safe seeming foods to see if she reacts until our meeting with the specialist in mid-April. Fortunately it's usually an immediate face rash, so quite easy to spot.

Tuesday, 17 March 2015

31 weeks

At 31 weeks Eve:

- Is getting somewhere with working out the allergies. I think she has Oral Allergy Syndrome, which means she's allergic to fresh fruit and vegetables and also a dairy intolerance. However it could be something else as she reacts even when something is well cooked and to dried fruit, things she's reacted to include red pepper, tomato, carrot, prunes, peas, cucumber, white bread, bagels and dairy. Things she's ok with include broccoli, potato, sweet potato, tinned tuna, tinned sweet corn, allergy free bread and rice cakes. Both her and my diet's are pretty limited and our specialist appointment in mid-april feels a long way away.

- Has pretty bad eczema, linked to the allergies. As well as a constant rash around her mouth, her whole torso, arms, shoulders and upper legs are dry, bumpy and red. I slather her in emollient cream whenever I change her.

- Has two teeth! Her first tooth came through on Wednesday closely followed by her 2nd on Thursday. They are the two bottom centre ones, left first then right. They are as sharp as razors, and a whole 3 months earlier then when Charlie got his.

- Loves to play, we got a baby activity cube for 50p at a nearly new sale this week and she loves it. If I line up the shapes for her, she pushes them through, she grabs the handles and pulls the cube around and she presses the button to make the telephone ring.

- Still can't crawl, but getting much surer in her moves. She can get anywhere in a room by pivoting and rolling, and is super fast.

- Is having such fun with her brother. She coos and shouts at him, she grabs his face, his hair, his mouth and pulls them to her. Charlie can't keep away, he loves rolling around on the floor with her, playing with her toys and lying next to her. We play i-spy in the evening as part of our no electronics hour before bed and C loves to pretend to be Evie playing i-spy and saying things that are in her line of view.

- Is finally happy to spend longer periods of time with Daddy. She will now happily play with him whilst I have a shower or make lunch. Up until now she was ok for 10 minutes but would then start shouting and crying for me.

Thursday, 12 March 2015

7 months old

At 30 weeks Eve:

- Is finally getting some sleep. She no longer sleeps in our room or co-sleeps with us at night. She stays in her room all night and for the last two nights has woken up 3 times a vast improvement on the 6 or 7 times she usually does.

- Has an appointment to see an allergy specialist in April. We'll be heading into London to get some help with her allergies. At the moment she breaks out in a face rash every day from something she or I have eaten. We've pin pointed tomatoes, red peppers and probably dairy, but there's definitely something else as each day I try to have a rash clear day and each day she get's one. We are keeping a food diary and have pin pointed some safe foods (broccoli, carrots, allergy free bread), but there's more we need to do to make sure she stops having daily reactions.

- She is so mobile, rolling and spinning can get her everywhere in a room v. quickly!

- Has added the word Charlie 'Gar ee' to her other words - cat 'at at' and Daddy 'da da da'. Still no sign of Mama.

Tuesday, 3 March 2015

29 weeks

At 29 weeks Eve:

Said her first definite word 'cat' or 'at at at'. She also says da, ba and ga.

Has slept in her room most days this week, still waking every few hours but no longer coming in bed with us every night.

Still having allergic reactions, I think probably to things I've eaten in breast milk. Though she got bright red cheeks from eating red pepper. We're seeing the doctor again tomorrow.

Is rolling EVERYWHERE she can't crawl but can swing round and roll wherever she wants!
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