At eleven weeks Eve:
- Is on her first holiday, we're in Wiltshire with Granny and Grandad.
- Was an angel on the long car journey, sleeping for most of the time, even though it took SIX hours due to traffic jams.
- Continues to grasp and bat at things.
- Still feeds a lot of the time.
- Takes her longest naps in the sling or car seat or someone's lap, is now tricky to get to sleep in the moses basket during the day.
- Growing more aware, she'll hold eye contact for longer and will chat back (when she's in a happy mood).
- Continues to grasp and bat at things.
- Still feeds a lot of the time.
- Takes her longest naps in the sling or car seat or someone's lap, is now tricky to get to sleep in the moses basket during the day.
- Growing more aware, she'll hold eye contact for longer and will chat back (when she's in a happy mood).
- Loves looking at trees blowing in the wind or the clouds in the sky.
- Super loves her Daddy playing 'Pitter Patter, Pitter Patter' with her.
And here's Charlie at 233 weeks old!!!!