Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Eleven weeks old

At eleven weeks Eve:

- Is on her first holiday, we're in Wiltshire with Granny and Grandad.
- Was an angel on the long car journey, sleeping for most of the time, even though it took SIX hours due to traffic jams.
- Continues to grasp and bat at things.
- Still feeds a lot of the time.
- Takes her longest naps in the sling or car seat or someone's lap, is now tricky to get to sleep in the moses basket during the day.
- Growing more aware, she'll hold eye contact for longer and will chat back (when she's in a happy mood).
- Loves looking at trees blowing in the wind or the clouds in the sky.
- Super loves her Daddy playing 'Pitter Patter, Pitter Patter' with her.

And here's Charlie at 233 weeks old!!!!

Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Ten weeks old

At ten weeks Eve:

- Weighs 12lbs, still just a little bit above the 50th percentile.
- Moving more, she can now roll onto her side from her back and pushes herself to the side of the Moses basket at night.
- Very chatty, she loves cooing at her mobile which broke yesterday so we need to get a replacement.
- Starting to hold onto small things, the muslin, my hair, the toggle on my hoodie.
- Still fully breastfeeding, roughly for 5 hours a day spread across 8 or 9 feeds. A short feed around 5am, a long feed around 7am, a short feed around 9.30am, a long feed around midday, a middling feed around 2.15pm, a long feed around 4pm, then on and off  short feeding and snoozing from 6pm onwards until a final middling feed before bedtime at 9pm. Occasionally a super short feed at 3am.
- Her naps are getting into a pattern too with a short one in the baby carrier when I take Charlie to school, a long one around 10am, a middling one around 1pm and another long one from 3pm which starts off in the carrier when we collect Charlie, she then snoozes on and off in the evening before 9pm bedtime, when usually she'll sleep at least until 3am and quite often through till 5am.
- Has a super sad looking pout, I've yet to photo this because when she does my immediate reaction is to comfort that sad sad face! Usually when there's a sudden loud noise or if she wakes suddenly.
- Is a member of the library, we signed her up last week.
- Had her first visit into central London to Mummy and Daddy's offices in Piccadilly and London Bridge.

Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Nine weeks old

Eve at nine weeks is:

- Continuing to put on 1lb each fortnight, on Wednesday 8th October she weighed 11lbs 2oz.
- Has slept through the night for the first time and will generally sleep for 6 - 8 hours.
- Very grumpy in the evenings. Wanting to feed and snooze on Mummy from 7pm onwards and shouts and cries if passed to Daddy or put in the moses basket.
- Smiley and vocal, will often chat back if you talk to her.
- Trying out some baby classes, we had Bouncing Bunnies on Monday, a music class for babies and toddlers using real instruments and we have a baby sensory taster today.
- Seeing baby friends, the four girls met at Helena's house for lunch on Monday.
- We had Christine and Sam visit yesterday, then went for dinner at Bluewater with Daddy.

Friday, 10 October 2014

A full night's sleep

Eve slept through for the first time last night. At eight and a half weeks old sleeping eight hours straight is amazing and a surprise boon for me! Yesterday she was really agitated, she had signs of teething, dribbling and chewing on her fists, so spent a lot of the evening feeding. She also missed out on her usual afternoon sleep, napping later and for less time than normal, so I think this helped! Fingers crossed she'll do it again tonight...

Tuesday, 7 October 2014

Two months old

Eve at eight weeks is:

- Growing so big, it's hard to believe my sweet newborn is already two months old!
- Chatty and smiley, the doctor commented on her social skills at the check up last week.
- Feeding a little less, we now have more time to play as she's not constantly hungry.
- Generally wakes to feed twice a night, but we had one night where she fed at 9.30pm then only woke up once at 2am, then slept until 6.30am.
- Lifting her head during tummy time for short periods.
- Still taking long naps throughout the day.
- Getting over her first cold, saline spray has been much in use so she can breathe whilst feeding.

Getting washed

I used to have a shower daily and I knew that would stop once the baby arrived but the number of showers I've had in the last 7 weeks can be counted on one hand. 

Our shower is downstairs and our bath (sadly without shower attachment) is upstairs next to the nursery. Tom leaves early for work most days so finding time to shower or bathe in the morning is a skill I've yet to master. Ideally I'm looking to wash my hair every other day.Things that stop me are:

- Baby waking up early, this is a game killer once up I have to feed her and then usually she refuses to go back to sleep on her own, either she sleeps on me, or will be wide awake.
- Wide awake baby should be fine, she'll settle on her play mat happily, but 2 mins into my bath she'll be howling.
- Or I'll put her in the cot with her mobile and soft toys, which is fine for 5 minutes but after that she's howling.
- The boy waking up early and waking up the baby.
- The boy waking up early and so I help him get ready in the time I'd normally get ready and baby waking just after he's ready and I'm not.
- Baby awake most of the night, so I opt to lie in rather than shower.

I am so looking forward to Eve getting a little bigger so we can get a routine in place!
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