Friday 12 November 2010

Filling in those Friday Blanks

1. The most spontaneous thing I've ever done was... ummm I'm really not spontaneous I love to plan plan plan.

2. The best gift I've ever received was... my engagement ring. Tom knew I'd want to choose so he took me to Yorkshire for a week and we visited every jewellers in York until I found my beautiful, perfect ring in a tiny independent shop up a narrow, cobbled street. We're going back there for our wedding rings.

3. A time when I was truly and genuinely surprised was... when the little line on the pregnancy test turned blue.

4. I can't leave the house without... the fully packed nappy bag - wet wipes, nappies, clean clothes, muslins, toys, change mat, disposable bags, rice cakes, bib and for me? Wallet, Oyster card, umbrella, keys.

5. My favourite day of the week is ... Saturday ... because Daddy bear can help with Baby bear and we'll go out somewhere fun and see friends and relations. Plus I get time to have a bath.

6. Something that can always make me laugh is... my little guy's smile, even when it's 3am and we need a nappy change.

7. My perfect day would include... lots of friends and family around to entertain the little one. A lie in, a bath, cuddle time, a good meal, a car drive with Tom.

Thanks Lauren at The Little Things We Do.

PS Baby bear can now calmly eat rice cakes on the train!

1 comment:

  1. I love your #3, I should have put that for mine:(
    Never thought I would be


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