Monday 12 December 2011

Bye Bye Little Boots

Can I write a whole post on a pair of welly boots? You bet I can!

C-bear has finally grown out of his first pair of wellies and it makes me feel so sad. These little size 4 boots are yet another item of clothing/pair of shoes that he'll never wear again. I bought them over a year ago, they're from Charlie & Lola and I had to get them for my Charlie as they had his name written all the way round the bottom. So they sat brand new and unworn for about a year, waiting patiently for their little owner's feet to be big enough to fit and then in what seems a blink of an eye he wore them, stomped in them, kicked leaves and jumped in puddles with them and now a short 3 months later they are too tight for his feet.

On Saturday we bought some size 5 froggy wellies which already he loves, has worn inside the house and can't wait to go stomping in the puddles with them.

I'm keeping the Charlie boots, washed and clean back in the drawer. I'm telling myself that's practical for a future brother or sister, but actually I just like to see them in the drawer and remember when his feet were small enough to fit.

1 comment:

  1. Daniel is SO obsessed with his wellies, he will hardly take them off!!

    It's so hard when they grow out of things, they;re growing too quickly! I've kept EVERYTHING of Daniels, and even if this baby is a girl I'll still find it so hard to get rid of everything!

    Thankyou for your congratulations, sorry it's taken me so long to respond! Having them so close together is an incredibly scary thought, but an exciting one too!!



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