Sunday 4 December 2011


If there's one thing I've learnt over the last 19 months about being a mother is that time just melts away. Where does it go? It seems to disappear completely, weeks, even months go by in fast forward and the little things I used to do without really thinking about it - emailing back a friend, cashing a cheque, writing a blog post - don't seem to get done at all.

In other news, last weekend we went down to Wiltshire to see Mum and Dad, C-bear had a lovely few hours with Granny and Grandad (he wowed all the old ladies at the village Christmas bazaar) whilst Mama and Papa Bear spent a fantastic time going to our wedding venue to discuss menu ideas with the head chef then going out to check out the wedding night hotel we've booked in Lacock. Lacock is a beeeaauutiful village about 20 mins from our wedding venue, the houses date from the 14th - 18th centuries and our hotel is a gorgeous 15th Century Inn. We didn't go inside (didn't want to spoil it) but we walked passed it and it looks every bit as good as when we first saw it online. Then because we had a florist's appointment at 3pm and we had lots of time to kill, we had lunch in the best country pub ever. There was two roaring fires, a Christmas tree, tapestries on the walls and really really good food. I was quite healthy with my choice of a smoked salmon sandwich and soup, but spoiled it by having a chocolate tarte and some of T's brownie for dessert.

This weekend we've seen C-bear's other grandparents, completed all our Christmas shopping (yay) and had a lovely Sunday lunch visiting friends who've just moved to Teddington. Little A was C-bear's first friend and it was lovely seeing our boys together, walking, interacting (by this I mean arguing over toys) and mimicking each other. We had yummy sausages from a local butcher and R gave me the name of someone who made her wedding dress, local to where we live and at a great price.

So all in all a great couple of weeks, but I wish I wasn't so behind on the little things, I wish rather then going to work tomorrow morning, I could spend the day catching up. I love having my boys with me at the weekend, but if there was a magic way to stretch time so I could have a little to myself as well as with my family, then I would be first in the queue to take it up.

And here's a bit of a photo dump from the last couple of weeks:

T having lunch in our lovely country pub

My soup and a sandwich

Plane!!! I can't stop giggling when I see this photo, he stood there for a good minute with his mouth open watching the plane fly over.
Tree! Our favourite tree in the park, C-bear loves to peekaboo round it whenever we go

Bye bye

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