Sunday 22 July 2012

Our week by Android - week 4

A fairly quiet week, here's what we got up to.

- Breakfast with my new Harry Potter studios mug (honeymoon present from my bro and his wife)
- Cycle race in Crystal Palace Park - stopped me from getting home, as the top gate was closed
- C-bear's nursery schedule for the week - lots of sand and water play!
- Stirring the Herman the German friendship cake (more on this once it's ready)
- Mama's week day Metro fix
- Our fridge

- Caramel Chew Chew - the best Ben & Jerry's flavour
- Crystal Palace Tower (C-bear calls it our choir)
- On the blue dino in the playpark
- Pasta, salad and garlic bread for lunch
- Seahorse at The Horniman Museum Aquarium - we've just bought an annual pass
- Coral reef fish at the Horniman

- New Spiderman clogs for the beach
- Boy with an apple
- Jawfish at The Horniman - it kept picking up stones and spitting them into it's burrow!

We're linking up with Amy at A Good Life


  1. Wow, what great pictures! :) Thanks for sharing. -Mia

  2. Looks like a great week - especially as it involved icecream!


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