Monday 21 November 2011

It's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas

Here in the London Mama household we've been getting lots of Christmassy things ready. Firstly, I was very excited to get my email from Snaffles Mummy giving me the details of who to send my tree decoration to for The Christmas Ornament Exchange (I blogged about this here).  Mine is going to someone over seas, which makes it much more exciting! It's against the rules to say what I've got just yet, in case my recipient happens to read... but here's a pic of it wrapped up and ready to go:

On Sunday C-bear and I created some homemade wrapping paper:

I got some Christmas sponges online, a roll of brown paper and some washable paint and we got creative. C-bear was mostly into painting himself, rubbing the paint in after we'd made the stamp, and putting the sponge near his mouth (then laughing when I told him not to!). He had a lovely fun time, got covered in paint and we have some wrapping paper the Grandparents will love this Christmas. I also made a batch of non-C-bear paper to wrap presents for friends with!! I finished it off with some glitter glue pens to create added details to a few of the stamps.

I also used my discount at work to get these beautiful clothbound classics. I've picked a particular story for each of the family and next weekend plan to paint Christmassy book plates to put inside. Don't you think these looks stunning together, I would love to have them all on my shelves!


  1. I love your homemade paper. You have inspired me to try something like that this weekend. Just need to work out how to carve a Xmas tree out of a potato!
    Those cloth covered books are divine, I would love to receive one as a present. And Wilkie Collins is an inspired choice. The Woman in White is an amazing read. I had a nosy at your other book choices on your favourite reads page, I think Secret History and Fingersmith are fab books too. (Found your blog on netmums.)

  2. *yeay* I was the lucky recipient! The birds are gorgeous! The first two decorations for my first Christmas tree. And I love the stars too...I think I will use them to decorate next to our Advent candle decoration. Will be posting my gift to the intended recipient saying who to though!


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