Tuesday 16 September 2014

Five weeks old

At five weeks Eve:

- Is becoming her own little person, with a generally laid back personality and a gorgeous smile.
- Continues to feed loads and for the past couple of days has needed Infacol to get rid of some very painful wind.
- Yesterday we met with three other baby friends, Chloe, Poppy and Olivia.
- So long she's already grown out of the newborn clothes, the Boots newborn nappies and a gro bag.
- Awake for longer periods of time, a few hours awake (and mainly feeding) before having a big long nap, rather then the regular sleep/feed pattern of a newborn.
- Has more control of her head, she still can't lift it up during tummy time, but she looks around a lot and is less floppy.
- Is a pretty good sleeper, after a big feed and burp she'll happily sleep in the moses basket rather then on me - unlike her brother!

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