Sunday 6 May 2012

Two Terrible

In two days time C-bear will be two and this weekend we've had a taste of what's (hopefully not) to come. Simply put, OMG how can my two year old turn into such a monster?

Yes, I've heard of the terrible twos, yes I've read other Mummy blogs with posts like this, but seriously I never ever thought my darling boy would get so angry over such little things. Things haven't been in our favour, little man has had a cold for a few days now and Daddy and I have both caught it as well. As he's almost two for the last week he's moved out of the baby room at nursery and in with the two - four year olds and to top it off its been raining constantly for over a week so he's been cooped inside. Things that have started epic lying on floor/ eating mud/ screaming until he's physically sick tantrums over the past two days:

- Trying to trim toenails
- Mama shutting the baby gate to cook lunch
- Having to go home early from the park because it started raining again
- Nappy change
- Not being allowed more then one cup of juice
- OCD over always having to shut the baby gate

It feels like there were more but my brain is so frazzled I think I'll stop there! I may well invest in this sign:

Image taken from -
Image taken from Epic Mom -

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