Wednesday 27 June 2012


My little man has been bitten by the Thomas bug and he's got it in a big way! At the moment C-bear eats, sleeps and breathes Thomas. We've had some of the books for a while, we always have a couple in the car - C-bear loves the Percy story and always spends ages looking for the rainbow. We also have a board book where Thomas delivers ice-cream to the children - pretty much two of C's favourite things Thomas AND icecream! And then we got the DVD.... He's had favourite shows before, he loves Baby Jake on CBeebies, but not to the extent of Thomas. The DVD (The Best of Thomas) has a two and half hour's worth of episodes from the slightly scary 1984 originals to present day. We watch it daily whilst we're getting ready for work and nursery and C-bear chatters away with a constant stream of comments about the story 'poor Percy', 'Thomas broken', 'Yay Thomas' etc etc.

We were talking to my parents on skype this weekend and mentioned his Thomas addiction, my Dad went and got a Thomas book he had when he was a boy and C-bear was fascinated as Grandad read a Thomas story to him over the Internet!

The coloured wooden carriages on his train track now all have Thomas and friends names and he loves seeing the ride on Thomas at Sainsburys (we've not actually paid for him to ride on it, so at the moment he thinks it's just a 'statue' to look at). We're even using it to get him to try new food, won't eat his spaghetti bolagnese? "but that's Percy's favourite", won't even try watermelon "Gordon loves watermelon", I'm not sure how long he'll go on believing us, but right now just mentioning those trains means he'll actually try the food being offered (yes he spat the watermelon straight out, but at least he put it in his mouth in the first place).

So we're not sure how long this phase will last, but at the moment it feels like Thomas may be with us for a long time to come!

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