Sunday, 6 March 2011

The Night Without Baby

Well, it went really well. We had a great time and Charlie was happy sleeping over at his Grandparents. We hope to do it again soon!

I wore a new maxi dress bought to help cover my Mummyhood lumps and bumps. I curled my hair for the first time in ages - so long in fact that my curling tongs had gone rusty and just had fun getting ready. We warmed up at home with a shared beer and a few tunes on Sing Star.

We went to Smiths of Smithfields before and after the karaoke, for drinks. We hired a room at Karaoke Box for 15 and had lots and lots of fun. We caught up with friends, I met some of Tom's work friends and it was so nice to relax, unwind and sing our hearts out. It was lovely to know that the baby was safe and we didn't need to rush home.

This morning we had a lie in, a leisurely breakfast - strong coffee, bagels and OJ - and then drove to T's parents for Sunday lunch. It was lovely seeing Charlie again, he gave us big smiles and we sat down for a nice long cuddle. He did wake in the night, 4 times, but Nana was able to soothe him and get him back to sleep. Tonight I will try and get through with no breastfeeding - he's proven that he doesn't need it and hopefully we'll get through with cuddles. Fingers crossed...

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