I've been awarded! Thanks to
Mummy Plum for passing this award onto me. The brief is to reveal seven things about yourself and then pass the baton on. I've also been following the trail of the award from blog to blog and I realise I've got a lot of good reveals to live up to. I don't think mine will be quite so revealing as some of them (!!!), but here goes:
1. I'm addicted to gingerbread lattes - I'm supposed to be on a diet, but have convinced myself that because they're only available for a limited time (well 2 months is pretty short...) I have to get one at least twice a week on my way to work. Plus I feel a really sap asking for a skinny decaf latte, so usually bottle out and go for the full fat 300 calorie deliciousness.
2. I love staying in and having the baby is the perfect excuse not to go anywhere. My perfect night is at home with my boys, baby in bed, pizza on way and red wine/beer in hand.
3. On that same theme, I often use C as a perfect excuse to get out of most things I'm not looking forward to, including hen parties, birthdays and all that jazz.
4. I'm HUGELY competitive, I get it from my Dad, but I'm that strange mix of polite English manners and intense, must win at all costs competitiveness. Don't mention Risk in our household, we almost split up over a game...
5. I get really annoyed with the other people using public transport. I can't stand bad manners, if the train is busy (which in London is pretty much every train) then how dare you sit in the aisle seat with your bag on the window seat and tut or roll eyes when I want to sit down. To be honest, if it's pretty busy, I will always get that person to move their bag rather then sit in an empty seat across the aisle. It's PUBLIC transport for and that means you need to share.
6. I'm a massive hot drinks connoisseur, in a similar vein to the GB Lattes, I must have a cup of tea/coffee/peppermint tea/licorice tea/rose tea/decaff coffee/hot chocolate ever hour at work. Luckily my team are similar and we take it in turn for tea runs, of all the teams in the office ours is the one permanently attached to the kettle.
7. I love being a Mum, it's no real secret, it's what my whole blog is about, but some how it feels so right. I didn't realise I was looking for it, but having C-bear meant I faced my 30th feeling like I'd achieved so much! Yes, I know it's biological to ensure human existence, but that warm fuzzy feeling I get when I'm with my little man is one of the best.
I'm passing this award onto Beth at
MommaB&BabyBoy - who's recently announced the exciting news of a second baby on the way! I hope you get the time to write yours in between morning sickness - eek!
And here's the list of bloggers I've traced back who've had the Award before me and I'm including my favourite of their reveals:
Mummy Plum - 6. I'm a secret blogger. It's just me, my blog and you; my dear readers. I like it that way.
Trouble Doubled - 4) I like to make out like I'm highly cultured, yet I know exactly what is happening in Coronation Street and Emmerdale right now.
But Why Mummy, Why? - 3. When Butwhydaddywhy had finished putting up Noo’s amazing dolls house I actually did a little girl excited dance… And I may have played with it… Maybe..
Mum2BabyInsomniac - 1. Me and a few of my friends took off down to Newquay one Summer when I was a teenager, we hitched down there and camped on the edge of a cliff. We struggled to eat / drink as we didn’t have any money so we used to go and stand outside clubs and pull guys for a pound. Well I used to snog guys for a pound, my friend used to go and find the guys. I KNOW, I KNOW. You don’t need to say anything but we did used to make £50 a night so it was kind of worth it. Plus had I been in the clubs I probably would have been snogging them for free so at least this way showed business initiative.
motherventing - 1. I am wearing jeans that come up to HERE.
Cinderella Trippin' - 4. My kids have the most gorgeous hands. I can’t get enough of them.
Mama Finch - 5. I once got up at 2:30 AM to go with a friend to a local radio station in order to act like a giddy school girl and see JON BON JOVI! (repeat after me...I'm not a stalker, I'm not a stalker)
(NB. when someones been tagged by more than one blogger I've only followed the first blog mentioned, also at some point this award was meant to be passed to 15 other bloggers, but like Chinese whispers it seems to change each time)